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The Lost Road

The Lost Road by Richard Harding Davis

The Lost Road by Richard Harding Davis

This is a collection of short stories that covers a wide range of subjects. The author has subtly expressed his opinions on various subjects through characters that are beautifully drawn. An engrossing work where each tale presents a different outlook of life.

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Life of Chopin

Life of Chopin by Franz Liszt

Life of Chopin by Franz Liszt

Chopin was a romantic era Polish composer. This work is a memoir by Liszt who knew Chopin both as man and artist. This memoir gives a unique understanding to the psychological character of the compositions of Chopin. It also offers Liszt’s insight into some of Chopin’s polonaises, especially the grand polonaise in F sharp minor. Liszt explains the strange emotion “ZAL” which is inclosed in his compositions. Then, presents a brief sketch on the lives of other great people in Chopin’s circle. After that, Liszt discusses Chopin’s fame and early life. Finally, Liszt gives a detailed account on Chopin’s sufferings due to ill health and the unfortunate departure of the great composer.

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London Labour and the London Poor

London Labour and the London Poor by Henry Mayhew

London Labour and the London Poor by Henry Mayhew

Subtitled, “A Cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work.” “The history of a people from the lips of the people themselves .. their labour, earnings, trials and sufferings, in their own unvarnished language, and to pourtray the condition of their homes and their families by personal observation of the places …” “My earnest hope is that the book may serve to give the rich a more intimate knowledge of the sufferings, and the frequent heroism under those sufferings, of the poor …” Henry Mayhew was a social researcher and journalist. He compiled a four volume work in minute detail on the lives of the poor in London.

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Tell It All

Tell It All by Fanny Stenhouse

Tell It All by Fanny Stenhouse

Fanny relates the experiences of a 19th century missionary as she and her young husband proselytize throughout Europe in search of converts to the new Mormon faith. Her religious zeal is sorely tested upon receipt of news from America revealing that their religion has adopted the practice of polygamy as the means to exaltation. The couple is summoned to Utah only to find themselves firmly ensconced in Brigham Young’s inner circle and called upon to practice plural marriage or risk a fall from family, friends, and faith.

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The Autobiography of a Slander

The Autobiography of a Slander by Edna Lyall

The Autobiography of a Slander by Edna Lyall

The Autobiography of a Slander exposes the consequences of reckless words or, even worse, intentionally disparaging words. In this moral tale, told from the point of view of “the slander”, Edna Lyall (pseudonym used by Ada Ellen Bayley) reveals her ideals and goals in life and relationships.

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Pope Adrian IV

Pope Adrian IV by Richard Raby

Pope Adrian IV by Richard Raby

Pope Adrian IV (c. 1100-1159, pope 1154-1159) was the only English pope. Written by a Catholic in 1849, this biography of the pope appeared twenty years after the English Parliament passed “The Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1829.” “The following sketch was written to supply what its author felt persuaded could not fail to interest his fellow Catholics in England; namely, some account of the only English Pope who ever reigned. In it he does not pretend to any novelty of research; but simply to present a connected narrative of such events in the history of Pope Adrian IV. as have hitherto lain broken and concealed in old chronicles, or been slightly touched for the most part in an incidental way by modern writers

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Obermann by Etienne Pivert de Senancour

Obermann by Etienne Pivert de Senancour

Although it was almost completely ignored by the reading public when it was first published during the period of Napoleonic Wars in 1804, it was rediscovered almost 30 years later by the Romantics, praised by none less than Balzac and George Sand, as well as Franz Liszt and other illustrious persons of that time period.

Obermann is an epistolary novel in the form of a journal intime, in which the inner life of the main character is the most important element, rather than the physical action. The story spans ten years, in which Obermann describes historical events, the progress of philosophical ideas, and, most strikingly, his emotional development.

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Joan of Naples

Joan of Naples by Alexandre Dumas

Joan of Naples by Alexandre Dumas

The celebrated crimes committed during the life of Joan (Joanna I) of Naples span from personal misdeeds (adulteries and mariticide) to regional warfare (like the 1345 War in the Piedmont), and ultimately unraveled her father’s legacy (King Robert the Wise). Dumas projects her story through a deathly lens: beginning with the passing of King Robert the Wise, winding through the untimely demise of nobles, soldiers, and children, then ending at Joan’s own assassination.

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Trinity Site

Trinity Site by White Sands Missile Range

Trinity Site by White Sands Missile Range

These two publications put out by the U.S. government are about the Trinity site in New Mexico where in 1945 the first atomic bomb was tested. Each publication (about 1984 and about 1995) complements the other, though there is some duplication. These are descriptions of the test itself and of the planning and organization leading up to the test. They also tell what was done with the site after the test and how it became a national historic landmark.

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The River War

The River War by Winston Churchill

The River War by Winston Churchill

When the self-proclaimed Mahdi gathered Islamic forces and kicked the Anglo-Egyptians out of the Sudan, he unleashed a backlash. With the image of the heroic General Charles Gordon dying at Khartoum, the British public was ready to support a war to reclaim the lost territories. And when the political time was right, a British-Egyptian-Sudanese expedition led by the redoubtable Herbert Kitchener set out to do just that.

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